About Happy Thoughts USA
The very purpose of the Happy Thoughts USA is to work as the transformative agent to raise global consciousness so that new vistas of a highly evolved society that are waiting to appear begin to manifest on Earth.

Happy Thoughts USA
Happy Thoughts USA was established in 1999 with the mission of creating a highly evolved society through all-round self – development of every individual that transforms all the facets of his/her life. The motto of Happy Thoughts USA is ‘Happy Thoughts’. This motto was chosen since ‘Happy Thoughts’ are thoughts of self-realization, thoughts that motivate one to get rid of all other thoughts and raise collective consciousness. A Happy Thought is the purest of human desires to be liberated from all desires.
A distinctive wisdom system that guides you on an effortless journey from self-help to self-realization to self-stabilization.
Happy Thoughts USA is a 100% volunteer organization. The Foundation has more than 7000 self-driven volunteers from all walks of life.
Happy Thoughts USA holds the distinction of being the first spiritual organization to receive the prestigious ISO 9001:2015 certification.

Happy Thoughts USA: Transcending Boundaries for Global Transformation
Founded by Sirshree, an enlightened spiritual teacher and author, Happy Thoughts USA's teachings are infused with profound wisdom and compassionate guidance.
Happy Thoughts USA’s approach to impart “Final Truth” transcends cultural and religious boundaries, fostering a sense of unity and acceptance among seekers worldwide
Happy Thoughts USA actively encourages collective efforts to elevate global consciousness, promoting a more harmonious and peaceful world.
Happy Thoughts USA Programs comprise various projects undertaken by the Foundation to elevate the level of consciousness among school students, youth, women, senior citizens, teachers, doctors, leaders, organizations, the police force, prisoners, etc.
The Magic of Awakening retreat is the flagship spiritual retreats offered by Happy Thoughts USA, where participants gain access to the experience of the Self and learn to live in the present every moment. The teachings of the retreat are non-denominational (secular).
The Foundation also has Coaches with extensive corporate and international experience. With the motto of spreading ‘Happy Thoughts’, the Foundation has published more than 300 books on various topics, from self-help to self-realization, based on the teachings of Sirshree.