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Fearless Child

Abhay Vardan

Today, many schools promise cutting-edge tools and modern teaching methods to prepare our kids for a competitive world. But it’s worth asking: Do these approaches really build our children’s character? Do they teach patience, honesty, and resilience? Do they help kids overcome their fears and handle failure with confidence?


Our current education systems often fall short in nurturing a child’s emotional and moral growth. Busy parents might also overlook the importance of instilling strong values, which are essential for lifelong success. These values, first taught by parents and then reinforced by teachers, are crucial. They help children become fearless, understand their responsibilities, and handle life’s challenges more effectively.


It’s easy to tell a child what not to do—don’t lie, be generous, share with others—but are we really teaching them how to live these values? Are we answering their questions and giving them the space to explore and learn?


Children begin learning from the moment they’re in the womb, soaking up not just our strengths but also our fears. Unlike adults, who can adapt to change with experience, children need more than just a push to get used to new environments. The values they gain through real-life experiences are essential in helping them tackle life’s challenges.


The Happy Thoughts USA recognizes this need and offers resources and programs to support children's development. The "Abhay Vardan" program, designed for kids over 10, focuses on building fearlessness and teaching essential life skills. It helps children recognize virtues and vices, learn from failure, and build self-confidence. Using unique methods like the "Burning Train Analogy," kids engage in character-building and hands-on learning, along with memory training and study techniques that will benefit them throughout their lives.


Kids who are both smart and emotionally stable can conquer their fears and achieve their goals more easily. In contrast, a stressed child might struggle to distinguish between failure and success, leading to a lifetime of anxiety. But an empowered child learns to turn every failure into a stepping stone toward success.


Let’s empower the next generation.

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